How do I join Survey Now?
Simply complete our Sign Up form and you are ready to go!
How do I get in touch with Survey Now?
If you have questions about any aspect of online surveys or if you would like to suggestion any improvements to our service, please use the contact form on our site.
How do I receive surveys?
Once you are a member of Survey Now, you will begin to receive weekly mails notifying you of new surveys available that week. You can always unsubscribe from our communication and re-subscribe again when you are ready.
How much does it cost?
It is totally free of charge. In fact, you will begin to earn rewards for your efforts. The only thing we ask in return is your absolute honesty when completing free online surveys.
What are the rewards?
Rewards differ depending on a type of survey panel available in a given week. Having said this, they vary from free online vouchers and discount coupons to monetary rewards per completed survey.
I haven't received any online surveys. When are they coming?
Typically, each research panel asks its users to complete their profiles in order for users to receive as many online surveys as possible. Although, many online surveys target large population groups (exmaple: Males, 22 years+, Melbourne), often times online surveys are catered for certain demographic groups. Example: Females, Melbourne, drive one car, have two kids. And if your demographic details are unknown then there’s a chance you won’t receive those surveys. Therefore, we strongly recommend you complete your profiles on all research panels SurveyNow offers to you. That way you will be exposed to maximum online surveys.
How do I log in to my account?
Each research panel that we introduce weekly offers its own front office. To access the front office you need use login details which you used to register with a particular research panel. We suggest you use Bookmarks in your browser to save research panels for easy access.